What Age Should Children Start Preschool?

What Age Should Children Start Preschool?

Your little ones are at home now or are maybe accustomed to a daycare schedule. But soon, you’re going to have to prepare them for preschool. And as the curriculum changes and recommended best practices shift, you might be wondering how old a child should be before enrolling in a Tamarac preschool program.

This may be your first in what will be a long line of educational decisions you’ll be making for your child. And to help you know what’s the best age for your little one to start school, we’ll share the latest recommendations and suggestions to consider.

Every child is unique. As a parent, you’ll want to consider all the benefits, assessments, and VPK options before making your decision.

Preschool Children Are Typically Within This Age Range

Children between the ages of 3 and 5 tend to start reaching their full early educational potential. That’s why this is the typical age range for children to enroll in preschool. During these formative years, kids will also start to develop their senses of self, build confidence in their own abilities, and embrace their natural curiosity for independence.

What The CDC Suggests

While every child’s learning curve is going to be different, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines “preschool age” as between 3 and 5 years old.

The CDC suggests that parents should consider the child’s unique readiness when deciding at what age to enroll in preschool. And talking with your child’s pediatrician can also provide insights into recognizing signs that your little one is ready for classroom learning.

Check With Your Local Preschools

In addition to consulting your family doctor, you should also start exploring local preschool options and reaching out to the staff. It’s common for most preschool guidelines to include certain age and behavioral benchmarks to be eligible for enrollment.

Your child’s birthday might determine whether your child can join the program this year or wait until next year. And some accept students younger than three who’ve reached certain growth and learning milestones.

How To Assess Your Child’s Readiness For Preschool

Ultimately, as a parent, it’s up to you to decide whether your child is ready for a learning environment. The signs your child may be ready can present themselves in a variety of ways.

Explore some of these growth, behavioral, and learning milestones to see which might apply to your child. Not all these criteria need to be met in order for your child to be ready, but it’s a great first-assessment list to consider.

Potty Training Benchmarks

Accidents are expected and relatively normal among preschool-aged students. However, most programs do require young enrollees to have fully mastered potty training.

Current Napping Routines

Preschool schedules may include full morning or all-day classroom time. So, if your child still enjoys long or frequent naps, they might not be ready for the busy pace of an active classroom setting.

Pre-kindergarten learning and fun can be tiring, which is why most classrooms do have quiet time allocated. But making sure your child’s nap schedule is adjusted will ensure they’re better prepared for any all-morning or all-day activity.

Communication Abilities

Gauge your child’s ability to communicate their feelings and needs. It’s important that your child is comfortable and able to connect with a teacher or other students to communicate. You’ll want your child to be able to ask for a drink or to use the restroom, for example.

Routines and Schedules

Preschool activities, while fun and game-filled, do follow a regimented agenda and schedule. Blocks of time are appropriately managed and may include center time, reading time, snack time, and clean-up time. Your child should be ready and willing to understand these transitions without becoming overwhelmed.

Separation Anxiety

Gauge and assess your child’s ability to recover and rebound when you are separated. They should have some prior experience in coping with being dropped off somewhere for short periods of time. And look to see how well they can rely on other adults to comfort them in your absence.

Socializing with Others

Assess your child’s ability to play nicely with others. Preschool aims to refine social skills, so don’t expect your child to be perfectly adjusted. However, having some experience with interacting with other littles is recommended before enrolling.

Following Directions and Authority

Most early educators are experts in coaching children to follow directions but consider how strong this characteristic is with your child. You’ll want your young student to understand and know how to follow instructions before starting, and most daycare environments are great for learning these skills.

Jacquline Sewell-Lowers
Jacquline Sewell-Lowers
Michelle Rivera
Michelle Rivera
It is such a relief to finally have found a preschool that I trust to care for my son! This school is amazing! They are so warm and welcoming and INCLUSIVE. They don’t make kids/parents feel bad for being unique, in fact it is encouraged which I LOVE. My son has learned so much in the short amount of time he’s gone there. He is already writing his name and reading site words at 4! He is also very shy and makes it known when he doesn’t like something, but he comes home every day talking about all the teachers and his friends and how much fun he’s had. I’m so grateful for the JLP Inspiring Minds staff for taking such great care of my boy and helping him excel!

Advantages Of Choosing A Local Preschool For Your Child

When you decide it’s officially time to enroll your child in a local preschool program, you can expect to leverage all kinds of advantages. A pre-K program can help bridge the gap from home life to kindergarten in a big way, and your child will be more successful in a classroom setting because of the experience. Also, look to enjoy these benefits of enrolling your child in a quality curriculum-based preschool:

  • Exposes young minds to academic foundations they’ll use their entire lives.
  • Builds social skills to improve confidence and participation.
  • Allows students to expand their learning acceptance to include other people and things from outside the home.
  • Promotes independence and diversity.
  • Stimulates brain development.
  • Encourages early adoption of age-appropriate technology.

Early Education At Inspiring Minds Preschool

Ensure your child experiences a high-quality education in a fun and structured environment with support that addresses each student’s unique needs. Introduce your child to a quality preschool education and make a lasting impression on their future success in learning!

If it’s time to start exploring early education options for your child in Tamarac, call 954-933-2982 and talk with the friendly staff at Inspiring Minds Preschool.